Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Grin & Bear It

In light of everything happening in the World (war, cyclones, tornadoes, famine, etc.),going through a knee surgery is nothing. It also pales in comparison to having a way more serious illness or health issue such as cancer or a brain tumor. Not to mention that I caused this to happen by skiing. Others simply have things happen to them with no fault of their own. So, I can hardly complain about my condition. But, when something interferes with your life so much, it does affect you and you do get frustrated, depressed and feel a little sorry for yourself. However, as they say Grin and Bear It as things do happen in life and you need to just keep on going. So it is with this philosophy that just keeps me going. Don't look back and say why - just keep moving forward.

Anyway, I had my stitches removed today. The PA had a problem with one stitch and just could not get it out so my surgeon needed to remove it. Although I am still hugging to my one crutch as my knee is unstable and swollen, the doctor gave me an A+, which was very good news to hear. I will now start the PT and hope I will progress. If all goes well, I may be able to stop supervised PT visits in about 4-6 weeks and only need do the exercises on my own. That would be really nice.

So, I am on my way to a nice stable knee. Running, yoga, biking - here I come. Skiing, I'm afraid not. I just do not want to ever go through this again.


Kayla said...

Please keep up the blogging :)

I am scheduled to have my ACL reconstruction (auto - petellar tendon) on June 26th and I love reading about your recovery. I wish you all the best...I know we both have a long road ahead of us but I like your attitude and determination.
I tore my left ACL in a coed soccer game just a few weeks ago.

Kayla said...

Thanks for the advice! I'm really surprised your surgeon thought you wouldn't need surgery. My ACL is completely blown--torn 100% and I plan on returning to sports. I'm 25 and very active so not reconstructing it is out of the question for me.

I will say, however, that I am doing tons of exercises and full extension / bending is possible it just hurts a bit. I'll keep at it. I have 2.5 weeks before my surgery so there is plenty of time to work hard ever day. I'm running a lot and I even was able to kick the ball around a bit today. So crazy!

Take care and rehab well!!
