Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Joy of Chores

It is two weeks post surgery and I decided to try some chores as I was growing very inpatient as I had nothing to do. Since driving is out for me for several more weeks, I could not really go anywhere. DC is having a heat wave (98 degrees and very high humidity) so sitting outside is not very comfortable. I was tired of tv and didn't feel like reading so all that was left was the chores.

I started by vacuuming upstairs and had no problem. However, I am now waiting for someone to take the vacuum downstairs as I am not able to lift something this heavy and negotiate the stairs at the same time. I then tackled the bathroom and cleaned the tub, sink and floor. It was very satisfying to do these and have a somewhat clean upstairs.

As for those stairs, I also attempted trying to walk up (but not down)the stairs normally. It was a bit awkward as I really needed to think about it in addition to concentrating on lifting my leg up - which was tough. I was able to do this for about 6 steps and then had to go back to one step at a time. Hopefully, I'm not pushing things with this simple exercise. Due to this experience, I have a profound admiration for people who suffer far worse incidents and are not able to walk and need to go through a much more vigorous physical therapy program. I can only imagine what their legs feeling like trying to get them to move. As I know a bit, their legs must feel like dead weight (basically like a log) and trying to get control of them is probably extremely frustrating. But, they just push on with incredible faith and determination despite the associated physical pain and emotional toll. One such person is Tara Llanes who had a horrific crash during a mountain bike race and following seven hours of surgery to the back and spinal cord, it was determined she had no feeling from the waist down. Read her story.

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