Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Post-Surgery Survival Kit

I came across this photo from someone else's blog who also had ACL surgery. I thought it was funny so I thought I'd post it. Visit the blog.

Getting a little serious, being prepared for the days after surgery does help. I bought a mini-fridge and put it in my bedroom for easy access to ice, water, etc. since my kitchen is downstairs and going up and down stairs is a drag. I also had plenty of books, magazines, videos, etc. as well as my laptop and cell phone on hand to keep myself busy. I got my "laying in bed clothes", a towel (for under the ankle) and pillows ready and accessible.

I cleaned the house the day before surgery and did a run at the grocery store to stock up for awhile as I would not be driving for about a month. I paid my upcoming bills so I wouldn't have to deal with that. I had my post-surgery meds called in beforehand and picked them up before surgery. I arranged for the neighbors to set my garbage cans out and move my car for street cleanings. I had an extra key made and kept it under my welcome mat so friends visiting could let themselves in the house.

So, if you are going to have surgery, make sure you make a list of things to do so that you are prepared.


Kayla said...

Oh man I thought I'd thought of everything but I'm so glad you reminded me to hide a key for friends to let themselves in :)

Anne said...

WOW! I first looked at the picture and title and thought: That's it, it's going downhill - my girl has now taken up to boozing and she stopped shaving!!!
