Tuesday, May 27, 2008

3-Days Post Surgery

Note: I’m not thinking very clearly (percocets) so please forgive any errors or things that don’t make sense.

My friend who was staying with me left this morning so I had to step things up to become self-sufficient. The surgeon told me to bear weight on my leg with the crutches. I had started doing that and this morning tried going with one crutch – and was able to. I feel very good about this and am getting encouraged that I am now on my way to a speedy recovery.

I think there are several reasons that I am progressing so well. The first is that I had an allograft (ligament from a cadaver) instead of an autograft (ligament from either my hamstring or tendon). While the allograft isn’t as strong as an autograph, it doesn’t require another incision (where they take out your own ligament) to your leg. So, I am only dealing with one impact instead of two. Also, I was strengthening my quad for almost 4 months before my surgery and I really think this has now helped me. I am now doing 3 exercises, 3 times a day (foot pumps, leg lifts and heel slides – which I’m not doing very well as bending my knee is difficult due to the swelling).

I am telecommuting as a lot of my job is web-based. I won’t put in a full day but at least will get done what needs to be done.

I go to my surgeon for a follow up on June 3 and hope to go directly to work after the appointment. I then start my PT on June 4 and continue that twice a week for who knows how long. I’ll also need to do PT exercises at home at least twice a day, including hopping on the exercise bike and trying to get the pedals to turn.

So, all is all, things are going well.

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