Thursday, September 13, 2007

Why Do This?

Since I work in the world of websites, I decided to create a blog to see what would come of it and how far I would get with it. Does anyone read these things? How may people have blogs? If a tree falls in the woods, does it make a sound? Also, there has been discussion in the workplace as to whether a blog could be of value to get information out to the masses they serve. So, I thought I'd see how to set one up (they are very easy to set up) and then to see how often I can update this thing (a big concern in the "work" world as if you create a blog, you better spend time updating it or people will abandon it and you'll have them banging on your doors for their money back). Another reason to create a blog is to find long, lost friends and/or to be discovered! Someone may be surfing the net and low and behold find my lowly blog and my life could be forever changed....So without further ado, let's see how this things works out.

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