Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sue: It's the American Way - Part II

I mentioned this unbelievable news item before (See: Sue: It's the American Way, posted February 29) but now that more details are coming forth, it absolutely sickens me and makes my head spin. Not only does it make me shudder to think what type of people exists in this world but it makes me question the logic of our legal system. For those of you not from DC, Banita Jacks, has been charged with murdering her four daughters whose decomposed bodies were in the home so long the cause of death could not be determined. Not one family member, including the fathers (the daughters had different fathers), grandmothers, aunts, uncles, etc. had any concern about the well being of these children. They never visited the family, provided any type of support or wondered about their well being.

Now, the father, Norman Penn Jr., of one of the girls, has filed a $25 million suit against the D.C. The Washington Post states that Penn “claims that 16-year-old Brittany Jacks' death has "denied (him) the financial benefits, gifts and other contributions.” What does that mean? I did not realize the purpose of having a child was to reap money and gifts. Penn, in his suit, accuses D.C. of negligence. What about Penn’s negligence as a parent? This just makes no sense. I am dumbfounded.

As for who is Norman Penn and what type of person he is, he signed a consent order in Charles County, Md., in 2002, admitting he was Brittany Jacks' father and agreeing to pay nearly $400 per month in child support. Court records indicate that Penn, who now lives in North Carolina, failed to pay child support, was convicted of criminal contempt and received a suspended jail sentence. So, in addition to being a criminal, he showed no interest in or support for his child.

How disgusting of a person can Penn be to file a suit like this? Does his attorney, Kim Brooks-Rodney, have any integrity? Or is the ulterior motive of both of them one thing: money – blood money. If this case proceeds to the courts and Penn is awarded the money, this will serve as an example that the system rewards negligent parents and that parents do not have to take any responsibility for raising a child. Instead of providing love and support for your children, just wait for something to happen to them because you were negligent, then blame the system and get all the money you can. It’s the new way of parenting in America!

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