Thursday, June 25, 2009

In Loving Memory of Mark Planisek

With the recent Metro crash in DC, I thought once again of how a life, anyone's life, can be taken at any time. This hit home even harder as I just found out a friend of mine died after being hit by a vehicle leaving his art exhibit. I went to Mark's exhibit and talked to him over an hour as he was just so great to talk to. I left him a hour before this tragic event happened upon him. Those of us who knew Mark will indeed miss him, his smile, his artwork and his zest for life.

Mark Planisek

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Stuart, Well done, thank you. It's 4:30 in the morning here in California and I'm stumbling around wide awake still in shock over Mark's passing. I can't believe he's gone. Every 5 minutes or so it seems, another grand memory of Mark pops into my head. Some are sweet some are subtle and some are riotously hysterical, of course! I feel so incredibly lucky to have shared 26 years of a close friendship with him. He had so many friends because he was as passionate about people as he was passionate about Art. I look forward to celebrating him with Anne and the large group of friends at the memorial. --Nan Sincero