Thursday, March 20, 2008

Why do Animals Need to Suffer?

I am an advocate of animal rights and it pains me to read again and again about animals being abused, tortured or killed especially when it’s done to entertain people. It even pains me more knowing that some of this suffering could be prevented and that the abuser/killer receives no punishment and is free to abuse, torture, kill repeatedly at his/her leisure.

The world of dogfighting was brought to light when authorities raided Michael Vick’s property and found 66 dogs, a dog-fighting pit, bloodstained carpets and equipment. Vick was, thankfully, convicted of running a dogfighting operation so grisly the losers either died in the pit or sometimes were electrocuted, drowned, hanged or shot. Unfortunately, the sad truth, as stated by John Goodwin, the deputy manager of the Animal Cruelty Campaign for The Humane Society is that "dogfighting is on the upswing….and I believe that certain elements of the pop culture have glamorized dogfighting and glamorized big, tough pit bulls." Michael Vick got what was coming to him but so many other people participating in dogfighting continue this inhumane behavior because they feel they will never get caught or punished.

This is where the government, local, state and federal, only aids & abets in the suffering of animals. There are either no laws protecting animals or what laws that do exist are arcane or only give abusers a slap on the wrist.

Why do puppy mills still exist where dogs live their entire lives in cages and are continually bred for years. These dogs receive little or no veterinary care and never see a bed, a treat or a toy. After their fertility wanes, breeding animals are commonly killed, abandoned or sold to another mill. Nice life! What possibly could be the reason to makes mills illegal? Money and greed. People are making money, and are successfully influencing legislators, at the expense of the welfare of animals. Who cares about an animal's life when there is a buck to be made. We do not need puppy mills as each year in the U.S. millions and millions of unwanted, abandoned dogs, and cats, are killed daily in shelters. If you do get a pet, please get it at your local shelter or rescue group, not at a pet store or puppy mill. Read more on Puppy Mills.

As far as arcane laws go, governments again fail us. In a recent case in Pennsylvania, a panel of Superior Court judges ruled that it is legal in for a person to kill a healthy, fit dog by shooting it. What? This case began when Randy Miller, pummeled his girlfriend's pit bull-chow mix five or six times with a shovel before shooting it to death. He also told a kid, who witnessed this ghastly scene that he would kill him if he told anyone. Can you imagine? The state said the local county judge erred when he told jurors in his instructions that shooting it is illegal. So now Mr. Miller is free to torture and kill his other pets (Miller lives with Wendy Kneller and told Miller to kill the dog. Her estranged husband, John, said "Kneller took the dog when they separated and kept it in the house where she and Miller, both unemployed, lived with her five children, ages 4 to 14, and 16 dogs, including a pit bull with 11 puppies.") and there is no law to prevent this. This is one law, along with so many others, that needs to be changed.

Animal abuse takes place every day, every where. Read about these at If we do not lend our support to protect animals, government will continue to do nothing and allow people to abuse and kill animals and the undue suffering and abuse of animals will continue. Visit the Humane Society of the United States’ website to take part in their campaigns to end abuse.

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