Well, I just got back from the surgeon and now he feels I need surgery. Although I have been doing those tedious quad-building exercises twice a day/every day for 2 months, the knee is not doing what is should be doing -- fully extending. There was a slim hope that I would not need surgery but it seems if I want to do what I want to do (run, bike, long walks, etc and maybe even ski), surgery probably is my best bet. Could I do without the surgery – perhaps. But, I’m going with the doc’s opinion especially since from the beginning he said let’s try and not do surgery. After today’s examine, I think he saw that surgery would indeed help me – and I’m going to believe him. At this point, I just want this done and over with.
I am waiting to schedule surgery for May. I’d prefer the end of November so that I could sit and do nothing during the winter months but the surgeon is suggestion May. At this point, I’m ready to do it tomorrow. I am getting an allograft (from a cadaver – maybe it will be from somebody famous) versus an autograph (from my body – which is falling apart). I started researching the options on the Internet and just had to stop as it all became very overwhelming. However, after digesting what I did read, I opted for the allograft, which is also what my surgeon suggested. There are advantages, disadvantages, controversy with both. For younger people & athletes, it’s usually a sure thing to go with the autograft but for me there isn’t a clear cut decision just as there isn’t a clear but decision with the surgery in general. It appears there is a shorter post-surgery recovery time (I’ll be on my feet more quickly) with the allograft, in part, because you will only have one wound, not two, to nurse but a longer long-term recovery. Wishful thinking on my part may also be less pain, which I heard is quite intense, for the allograft. The allograft may not be as effective, may not work and there is a greater risk of infection but I guess I need to just hope lady luck will be on my side.

In the ideal post-surgery world with an allograph, I will only need to be on crutches 3-4 days and will only need someone to help me out the first few days. I could only hope for this scenario to play out. Please let it be true! I assume I'll be in bed for several days elevating and icing my leg constantly. The pain will be fairly bad – bring on those pain killers. I will also be in a knee brace (goes from the calf to the thigh) to be worn all day and night and perhaps have an ice cooler machine (circulates cool water to the knee) and a continuous passive motion machine (which automatically moves your leg which is very crucial). I doubt I will use the stairs for several days so my bedroom will become quite familiar to me. And, I will need to continue doing my quad exercises starting almost right after surgery. Here’s one of many
post-surgery to do’s and what’s in store for me.
I will try to prepare as much a possible such as doing my grocery shopping/laundry and taking a shower (bathing won’t be a possibility for several days) the day before surgery. If I set up things ahead of time (ice chest in my bedroom for water, snacks, ice bag, etc.), I will only need help getting to/from the bathroom, bringing in the paper/mail, feeding the cats, etc. - a cup of coffee in the am would be nice too. Then I will be needing rides to the physical therapist, doctor, etc. I will be asking my friends for a lot during this recovery period and hoping there is a Florence Nightingale and good Samaritans willing to help me.