Friday, September 14, 2007

A Reunion - Then a Departure

d.c. space celebrated its 30th anniversary, as well as a fund raiser for Tom Terrell, at the 9:30 Club. Several dozen bands performed including those coming together for this gig (Tiny Desk Unit), guys in one band (Black Market Baby) back then and now another band now (Dolfi & Boyd), bands that appear to be getting together again (9353) and the local celebs (Chuck Brown). What a party! I saw people I hadn't seen in 10-15 years. For once, I did not feel like a chaperone at a bar in DC.

What brought us all together in fun and happiness that night brought us back together again a week later for remembering a friend whose life had ended and who, like the rest of us, had been at the d.c. space reunion. Bob, who used to work at the old 9:30 club, and was also my roommate back then, is now longer with us. I do not know this reason but he looked happy that night at 9:30, his band played and he got to see a lot of old friends. Rest in Peace and if there is a life hereafter, our paths will cross one more time.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

No Photos, Please

I used to take photographs of the people, events, happenings, etc. in my life from about high school to college to living in Louisiana, Mississippi, and DC, all my vacations and trips and so on. I was recently looking at these photographs and realized I stopped "documenting" my life. Why? Is my life really that boring now of days? Do I not go anywhere? Or am I too lazy to take the photos with my antique of a film camera, develop the film and put the photos in an album? Probably a combination of everything.

So, I finally drag out my camera, buy some film and get ready to take a photo. Of course, the film doesn't advance. I take it into a camera store and the guy fixes it - supposedly. I then go to take another photo and the film rewinds. So now what. I guess I'll bite the bullet and buy a digital camera like the majority of people and stash away that camera along with my 35mm camera, zoom lens, etc., etc.

Farewell to Summer -- at Least for Now!

It's been one long, hot, humid summer and I for one am glad it's over - at least I hope. No Indian Summers, bring on the Fall. As a final farewell, I went to the beach (Bethany Beach in Delaware) over the weekend. My friend is fortunate enough to have a home there and I am fortunate enough to have her as a friend. I was able to spend my time with good friends (both old and new), watch the Penn State/Notre Dame game (go Nittany Lions); see the dolphins, which is always a delight and I didn't even get sunburned, as I usually do. A lovely weekend indeed.

I am a global warming believer and each dreadfully hot, humid, muggy day in DC convinces me more and more. Not to mention all the crazy weather happening in the world and the hurricanes, ice caps melting, polar bear extinction, increasing death tolls, etc., etc. Egads! Do the Green thing folks and do it now. Every little bit helps. And on a similar band wagon ending note:

"A human being is part of the whole called by us universe , a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty...We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive."-- Albert Einstein

Why Do This?

Since I work in the world of websites, I decided to create a blog to see what would come of it and how far I would get with it. Does anyone read these things? How may people have blogs? If a tree falls in the woods, does it make a sound? Also, there has been discussion in the workplace as to whether a blog could be of value to get information out to the masses they serve. So, I thought I'd see how to set one up (they are very easy to set up) and then to see how often I can update this thing (a big concern in the "work" world as if you create a blog, you better spend time updating it or people will abandon it and you'll have them banging on your doors for their money back). Another reason to create a blog is to find long, lost friends and/or to be discovered! Someone may be surfing the net and low and behold find my lowly blog and my life could be forever changed....So without further ado, let's see how this things works out.